Aldi - 20 Jun 2020

HuskeeCup with Lid 8oz


- The HuskeeCup repurposes coffee husks as a raw material produced at the milling stage of coffee production to make the cupWhy HuskeeCup?
- A reusable cup as sophisticated as it is sustainable
- Durable and reusable
- Non-toxic (BPA free)
- Dishwasher friendly
- Universal lid and saucer
- Keeps your coffee hotter for longer
- Repurposes waste material (coffee husks)Introducing HuskeeSwap
- Here's how it works:1. Drop your HuskeeCup and lid at the counter
2. Order your coffee as usual
3. Collect your coffee in a fresh HuskeeCup!
- To find a list of HuskeeSwap cafes, visit