Aldi - 18 Jan 2015

Scotch Pies


(2 pk)


Product reference: 64158

Ratings & Reviews


Scotch Pies is rated
5.0 out of
5 by

Rated 5 out of
5 by
Duke from
Great scotch pies
Best scotch pies I have tasted for many years, hope these become regularly available south of the border.

Date published: 2015-01-20

Rated 5 out of
5 by
rachie_xo from
Sooo yummy!
great price! very yummy! I wouldn't mind buying these a lot more, so good,
worth a try. Perfect combination: delicous & cheap!

Date published: 2015-01-19

Rated 5 out of
5 by
Potts from
Really tasty - Something different !

Date published: 2015-01-17

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- 2015-01-21

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