Aldi - 22 Jan 2015

Singer Sewing Machine





- 10 standard stitches and 20 sewing programmes
- Automatic 4-step buttonhole
- Built-in accessory storage
- Variable stitch length and easy stitch selection
- Automatic bobbin winding
- Includes Instructions, Darning Plate, Bobbin, Needles, Edge/Quilting Guide, Spool Holder, Seam Ripper/Brush, All Purpose Sewing Foot, Zipper Foot and Buttonhole Foot
- 37 x 18 x 30cm Product reference: 63323

Ratings & Reviews


Singer Sewing Machine is rated
3.0 out of
5 by

Rated 5 out of
5 by
jase99 from
Fantastic Sewing Machine
Absolutely love this, another fantastic product from Aldi, thanks.

Date published: 2015-01-18

Rated 1 out of
5 by
salysue from
you get what you pay for,should have listened to singer

Date published: 2015-01-23

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- 2015-01-25

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