Aldi - 25 Jan 2015

Ultrasonic Cleaner




Discover a new level of cleaning with the power of sound waves. Ideal for jewellery, watches or DVDs.
• 600ml stainless steel tank
• Digital timer
• On/off switch
• Includes Watch Holder, Basket and CD/DVD Holder
• 23 x 17 x 14cm
Product reference: 91960

Ratings & Reviews


Ultrasonic Cleaner is rated
5.0 out of
5 by

Rated 5 out of
5 by
jase99 from
Fantastic Value
Bought one of these previously, one of my favourite purchases, find the 0.6l tank perfectly sized.
Have cleaned a few of my sovereign rings and curb chains up a treat!!
Thanks again Aldi for selling these.

Date published: 2015-01-23

Rated 5 out of
5 by
Squirrel13 from
Love it!
I bought this a few years ago and it is great for cleaning jewellry, spectacles etc. Just use it with a bit of washing up liquid and water, and things come up sparkling.

Date published: 2015-01-19

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