Lidl - Garden Equipment - 5 May 2022

Parkside Growing Accessories Assortment


(2 for £3)



Strong, with gentle, plant-friendly coating

Length: 4.8m

With a practical cutting device

Length: 40m

Fine mesh, lightweight and gentle on plants

Size: 4 x 5m

Ideal for seedbeds, fruit trees, berry bushes and seedlings

Easy-to-fasten plant ties

With gentle, plant-friendly coating


For identifying seedlings or cuttings

Includes pencil

For securing plant tunnels, fleece or netting to the ground

Length: 14.5cm

Practical accessories to support growing shrubs, flowers and climbing plants

Diameter support rod/plant stem: 12mm / 6mm

Practical accessories to support growing shrubs, flowers and climbing plants

Diameter support rod/plant stem: 18mm / 10mm