Lidl - Summer Kitchen Essentials - 1 Jul 2021

Silvercrest Espresso Machine



Size: W21.5 x H29.2 x D27.3cm

Enjoy barista-quality coffee at home with this elegant machine

With portafilter system

2 filter inserts for 1 or 2 shots

Powerful 15-bar pump pressure for the perfect crema and flavour

2-in-1 swivelling high-pressure steam nozzle: hot water outlet and milk frothing nozzle

Removable water tank (max. 1.5L)

Removable drip tray with water level indicator and removable drip grate

Automatic switch-off and status light Includes 2-in-1 coffee scoop with tamper and a bottle of Durgol speciality descaler for optimal appliance care

Power consumption: 1,100W

Size: W21.5 x H29.2 x D27.3cm

Cable length: 100cm

3-year warranty