Lidl - Health Gadgets - 17 Feb 2022

Silvercrest Smart Pulse Oximeter



Use to determine the blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and heart rate (pulse)

Easy to read display with automatic screen rotation and adjustable brightness

Bluetooth(R) technology transmits data so you can analyse your activity on a graph

Includes free HealthForYou app to download

Pulse curve display

Includes strap and belt pouch

Particularly suited for people with: bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure

For use in sports at high altitudes (e.g. mountain climbing, skiing and aviation)

Passkey function for secure data transfer

Stores 100 readings

Battery level indicator and automatic switchoff

Medical device

Size: approx. L58.5 x W31 x H32mm

Device can be used without app

3-yeaer warranty