Lidl - Garden Picks - 21 Jul 2022

1L Bug Clear / Rose Clear / Weedol



A contact and systemic action insecticide offering a broad spectrum of pest control that protects for up to 3 weeks

Kills all major pests including aphids, caterpillars, whiteflies, mealy bugs and red spider mites

This product can be used indoors, outdoors and in conservatories on flowers, fruit and vegetables

A systemic insecticide and fungicide with 3 in 1 action

It kills aphids, controls blackspot, powdery mildew and rust and protects for up to 21 days to prevent further attacks

A systemic weedkiller

It is a total weedkiller for all broad-leaved weeds and grass, killing all weeds to the roots and is used to kill weeds on drives, paths, patios and around the garden